On Paradise

“In this world, there is a paradise. And whoever does not enter it will not enter the paradise of the hereafter.” {Ibn Taymiyyah} I am content. In my having what I have, not having what I don’t. More content in my limits. In not having. In having less. In a state of peace and serenity….

A Liberating Love

One of the supreme weaknesses that Allah has created the human with is embodied in a desire to have love around him. Allah has created us to love, to desire love and to be moved towards the source of love. The more I see of this world, its days and nights, the more I breathe in…

On Self

My relationship with writing has evolved and matured under the sun. From choosing to write out of the need and desire to be able to write, from being overpowered with thoughts that can create a good piece,… To this state where writing is not something that keeps me afloat or that will support me and…


And without notice, gradually, the pain subdued. Gently, unhurridely. At the mention of which your heart throbbed the hardest now failed to arose even the simplest sentiments of misgivings. Forgiveness worked that way. You didn’t decide that you forgive, concluded or made up your mind to it. But the pain just grew too old for…

Note to Self

Stop. Come back. You’ll find Me again. Do not wither yourself in this undestined search. What made you feel that this was the last time? The last time you’d lose my way and be lost forever without me. What made you feel that my guidance is for the sinless? Nay, it is for sinners. Sinners…


Then your hearts became hardened after that, being like stones or even harder. For indeed, there are stones from which rivers burst forth, and there are some of them that split open and water comes out, and there are some of them that fall down for fear of Allah. And Allah is not unaware of…


I sit down to write this on the tenth of Ramadan (eleventh now). And here I sheepishly slip in a belated Ramadan Mubarak. My dear, dear people, allow me to unroll the most disputed parchment. The most over-discussed topic- THE COMMANDMENT OF HIJAB   *drum rolls* That’s right. I have avoided that topic much. Considering that there is enough covered-and-uncovered-lollipop discussion around to deal with that. (*rolls-eyes*) Anyway, here I am with my little bag…


There was a moment in my life when I had given up on myself. I had given up on the fact that I can still be in this mess and survive. I knew it was beyond what I could probably handle and I already had it long enough. “Allah doesn’t burden a soul more than…

This Unpaved Road

I have been sitting still for eons. It has been a hard day. And boring. This is unique to my nature. I don’t dwell in that area. I always have, in the reach of my hands something to keep me up from falling into the air of melancholy. I am by His Mercy, well equipped…


Having been brought up in a Muslim community in India, it is one of our many traditions to send our children to madarasa once they get a few years old. It is also one of the many customs which I was deprived of. It is not that my mother didn’t try. But I couldn’t bear…